Sawadee Solutions in the News!

Sawadee Solutions in the news press coverage
Sawadee Solutions is proud to have recieved press coverage this week thanks to our unique offerings of affordable digital services to SMEs in Thailand.

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This week, Sawadee Solutions was featured in the news thanks to our unique digital service offerings for individuals and SMEs across Thailand. Our standout features came courtesy of Issuewire and OneWorldHerald – both of whom decided to write about what we offer to clients.

Issuewire features direct quotes from our Co-Founder, Mr. Shea Robinson, discussing the ideas behind our business, how we help small businesses, and our impact on businesses that may not otherwise feel they could afford digital solutions.

Some quotes include:

“…many of these small businesses struggle to understand the importance of a digital presence and either stall or fail due to a lack of identity online. We want to help Thai entrepreneurs to prosper in this ever-growing economy.”

Shea Robinson, Co-Founder Sawadee Solution Digital Service Co.,Ltd

“We are offering them (individuals) an opportunity to create the foundations of a strong business or gain additional freelance clients through an affordable digital presence package.”

Shea Robinson, Co-Founder Sawadee Solution Digital Service Co.,Ltd

Read the full article by Issuewire here.

OneWorldHerald also loved our ideas and published a great piece talking about how we can assist SMEs in Thailand along the same lines as other companies have been doing in New York. In their feature piece, written by Harvey Wilham, our company is cited as an innovative leader in the industry.

Some quotes include:

“With the launch of Sawadee Solutions, all the small business owners have got an opportunity to enter the digital world without investing much money in the market.”

Harvey Wilham, Journalist OneWorldHerald

“…Sawadee Solutions would end the struggle of small businesses and help them create their identity online.”

Harvey Wilham, Journalist OneWorldHerald

Read the full article by OneWorldHerald here.

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